Monday, March 30, 2020

Photo Quarantine Essay

Things have been going nonstop. Figuring out how to manage everything and how to live a life in quarantine is taking a toll on me. I spend my whole days in my room doing work. I am teaching myself the materials for my classes and hoping I do it well enough to pass my classes for the semester.

My big project has been improving my room since I spend so much time there. I have added posters, lights and decorations to not make this time so depressing. I have found new hobbies to do in my off time, like I have any, and spending time with my family when I can.

Old hobbies have resurfaced and bring back good memories and times that I had in the past. I have picked up my guitar again, but it was just like riding a bike. I picked it up quickly and was able to play the songs I had memorized so well.

A very unique but fun hobby I used to do was fly tying. It passes the time very easily and allows me to be creative and create things that will benefit me when the time comes.

In these times of boredom and solitude we have to find things to do and ways that we can express ourselves. If we don’t, we will end up going crazy. We won’t know what to do and will end up making the situation worse for ourselves.

In a few years I know I will look back on the crazy time that I am experiencing right now and think of all the things I learned. I know it’s a weird way to think about quarantine, but I will bring up good old habits and learn more about myself than if I were living a normal and sociable life.

We also have to think about all of the other people around us. Our family, friends, neighbors, and people all around the world. They are facing the same thing that we are and most of them have already been through it. We have to learn from them and their mistakes or what they did correct. We have to take precautionary measures to ensure our own safety and know that we will come out of this on top.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Fear Project

Fear of Not Knowing


Fear of Losing Someone