Monday, April 13, 2020

Self Portrait

Self Portraits

Snowy Day

Fly Tying

Down the Line

Need a Cut

Making Magic


  1. I like the color palette you used in the last 3 pictures and how in each picture you tell us a different activity you've been doing.I can relate to the needing a cut picture because my hair is dead right now but yea the last 3 are definitely the strongest to me.I'd say re-shoot or re-edit the 1st two to make them fit more with the last three pictures but overall I like them.

  2. I really like how each picture was very different and original. each of your pictures creates a different message and story I also like how each of your pictures really show your interests and in the first one even tho its black and white it creates the sad and ominous vibe of quarantine in a cold place. I also really like the angle and the setup of the last picture, very well executed. I think that you should try and take the one where you're shaving your head again maybe in a bathroom or maybe you can have your family doing activities and have motion blur in the back and you shaving your head to show that you're going crazy in quarantine and that you need a haircut.

  3. Your photos say a lot about you and what you like to do in a nice and direct way. The first one I like the idea of it but at first I wasn't sure what I was looking at (I thought your head a rock) if you reshoot this one maybe try it without a hat so it looks more like a head haha.

  4. I think that your first photograph is particularly interesting. The bright, white background creates a sense of peace, and your head resting at the bottom of the frame further emphasizes this notion of peace. The negative space caused by the silhouette of your head makes this photograph particularly interesting, because it is not common for the center of a photograph to be covered by a stark, black object. I think that it works in this photograph. One thing I would work on is your fourth photograph. I feel that the angle of the camera could be adjusted so that perhaps the photograph feels more chaotic and less planned.

  5. I really like the blue lighting of the second photo, and I think you did well incorporating several shades of blue within the picture. Although I am not sure exactly what is going on in the image it is intriguing and well put together nonetheless. I think the fishing pole photo could use work, as you may be better off putting the pole in focus as opposed to your current depth of field.

  6. Great work! I have notice that you do a really great job of exploring color in your work. One photo that I found interesting was the one titled "down the line". This one does a nice job of only using the primary colors. The last photo is also interesting because the lines created by the guitar strings and position of your body make the viewers eye travel around the entire composition. When reshooting I might consider doing "need a cut" over. I like this photo, but maybe it could be brighter to better expose your expression.

  7. your images all experiment soooo well with color and the lighting. My favorite image is the guitar one I think you can take more images and get more of a successful shot, try experimenting with different angles too!

  8. Wow, love the atmosphere of these. Very cold and melancholic. Solid and deliberate compositions. As much as I like the first image, I'd say that it's worth a reshoot to see if there's anything more visually interesting you can come up with. It does still contribute to the story and mood though.
